Just a girl phone case review

Right: Similar

I found this cute little phone case etsy store through another blogger and friend via tumblr who was doing promotional work for her. After contacting Soraya I discussed doing joint promotional work via swapping business cards and making discounts code so if you wish to purchase any product from her store found here, use the code: LOSTKEYS10 for 10% off :) 
Review time. I honestly do love both my cases, they didn't take long to arrive after purchase, and I can understand that in a busy time, especially holidays shop owners are under a tonne of stress and orders can build up. If you ever do order from a store containing hand made items please take this into consideration because it is difficult. However in this case I received my daisy case after a few days and my bat case after a short while. Both item were bubble wrapped and sent first class, both came well protected so were fully intact on arrival.

Lilac bat case: I do love this case a lot and have been using it since, its so quirky and girly at the same time and I love purple and bats so its perfect for me. Is very well made and I've had no trouble with any gems falling off. It also has metallic reflecting decorations which I love, very in trend at the moment and just fab overall. I do have one issue, the studs at the bottom does rub against my little finger but on the plus side my phone sits quite happily raised off the surface with the studs. However if you're concerned about this issue Soraya does an alternative versions found here

Gold and white daisy case: I fell in love with this design because i'm daisy crazy. Can you tell from my blog aha. I loved the white colouring in the daisies hence why I picked this version however there are other colours such as peach found here. I really love how feminine this case is and it does look lovely. I really do adore this case and haven't had any issues with it. Only thing I would say is as my phone is black its rather strange using a white case, but that's just me. 

Overall the cases are extremely well made, a little glue here and there but that is so simply fixed, they come well packaged and you get a discount by using my code. Soraya does more than just cases (which she does for any phone) including hair accessories, sunglasses, plugs and even a decoden jar. 

Shelley xx

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