Taking Time To Relax || Lifestyle

My weekends are currently all about winding down & relaxing. I only have to work for two hours in the morning so it gives me that chance to do those things I need to (as if) & just take time out of my usual routine to actually relax (much better option). I wouldn't say I rarely do anything on these days even though I've had some ultimate lazy days over Christmas but I do try to relax.

Being on the go constantly really has effected my down time routine; I can either be really good at being lazy or still be racing around sorting things out. The last 6 months have really taught me to give myself time to do nothing, clear my head & get the sleep I need to refresh myself for the next week. I've stopped running my shop which took my every minute so I had all this time to do nothing or the things I wanted. Safe to say it drove me absolutely crazy. Now I couldn't imagine squeezing that into my routine but at first I was bored out of my skull.

As times has gone on I've really learnt to give myself a break, I can actually switch off & sort myself out. I think that's been key to balancing my mental health & being able to work so much. I honestly think everyone needs to be able to shuffle their priorities to put themselves first at key times. I've stopped doing overtime at the weekends if I'm doing extra hours in the week & I try not to plan out my weekends unless necessary. This gives me freedom to just do me on those days!!

Last weekend we took a last minute trip to Virginia water lake park just to have a coffee & a wander. It was a rain free day when the weather was warmer than usual so what's better than going to visit a waterfall!! It's this kind of freedom that makes my weekends so great. Spontaneous trips exploring with my favourite person to end a busy week. I'd love to hear what you guys do to wind down so comment below so I can be nosey again!!
Shelley xx

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