Instagram Roundup || Peronsal

In a lot of my recent posts I've been mentioning how hectic my life's been and how I'm neglecting my blog slightly. So I thought it's about time I make this post and fill you in. I thought it's better to a round up so you have some images too. 
So what have I been getting up to? Basically I am currently trying to pave myself a new career path. This means I have been interviewing like crazy with a bunch of salons. I'm looking to do a hairdressing apprenticeship here in Wales. It's been a tricky process considering I'm now 21 and a lot of funding gets cut at 18. I did get an apprenticeship in Cardiff but at the last minute the salon pulled out. Let's just say that was a disappointing adventure. However since I've been contacting and interviewing at a few new salons so let's hope for the best. I have got college as a back up but obviously would prefer an apprenticeship for the experience.

I've also been spending a lot of time at home working on my shop. I'm luckily to have something that keeps me secure whilst I'm trialling since Wales is pretty rubbish for finding a job. On the other hand I've been doing a lot of exploring with Kane and generally having some fab days/nights out with friends.

I also smashed my laptop screen. I am a pro at breaking things clearly but my laptop is in repair this week and my blog/shop are still running as usual. I literally can not wait to have it back and work more effectively. Using the TV as a monitor is slowly driving me insane!!

Anyhow, I'm back in England next week so I've got a week of freedom to do nice things with the other half and see people I haven't for ages. By then I should have my laptop back (possible back today tbh) so I'll blogging as usual from home. I do apologise for neglecting my blog but this is a total hobby that I enjoy rather than see as a chore so I guess it's normal to take little breaks.

I'm praying I get an apprenticeship for when I return or at least a few salon trials, so I'll be a busy lady balancing all my life!!

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