5 Reasons Why I blog || Lifestyle

I've been blogging via this page since 2014 which is kind of crazy. Even I didn't realise it's been that long till I did a huge overhaul of my blog. In that time the blogging world has changed a lot & I didn't even enter this world till a lot later. My blogs changed a bunch of times; from my branding, layout to my content & through that time I've learnt a lot. I'm still not an expert & I've got loads to learn but I wanted to share the reasons I've kept blogging so here's a few.

1)It's a hobby; it's not my job. It probably never will be so some people won't really get why I keep doing it. I don't aim to earn money from it. At one point when I started to doing sponsored content & made a proper effect to keep that up I felt trapped. I enjoy blogging; I just like doing it & the pressure of making it something more than a hobby actually put me off for a long time. Everyone needs a hobby to take time out from their busy lives & this is mine. Yes it can be stressful & can take up a lot of my down time but I enjoy it. I like to spend a few hours per week shooting & writing. It's a hobby that makes me think but I can relax & do it at my own pace. I'm not tied down to a schedule; I can do my own thing & that makes it enjoyable.

2)It's helped me open up; if you know me you either know me as really open or really closed off. I take a while to really express the inner workings of my mind because it's pretty complicated even for me to understand. Blogging has helped me express my thoughts & feelings on a platform that I feel happy with. Sounds strange that I can talk about personal things on the internet for the world to see but I know my audience are really understanding. I haven't got a huge following of people & sharing my story with even a handful of people has been therapeutic. I'm happy to talk about mental health more openly & create conversations with people in the same position nowadays which blogging really contributed to. 

3)I love exploring photography; this is a new passion. I didn't go to school & learn about cameras or how to take a good photo but over time I've found a passion  for it. I'm not an expert nor do I aim to be but I love taking nice photos. It's nice to capture the places I've been & the people I've visited them with. I'm still trying to improve my blog photography as I go & it's nice to see the improvements along the way. Without blogging I probably wouldn't have a nice camera & probably wouldn't be as invested in taking great shots out & about. 

4)It keeps me motivated; as I said about its a hobby but it's definitely something you have to invest. I could have easily taken up a class that I would spend an hour a week focused on but blogging takes a lot more. It keeps me inspired; I'm constantly noting down blog ideas in my phone & thinking about ways to keep my blog fresh. My readers have seen my content change from the basic beauty & fashion to a lot more lifestyle & personal content because I'm investing a lot more of me into it. I'm one hell of a lazy person so anything that keeps me motivated is a good thing.

5)It documents my life; sounds weird because I've got an instagram with years worth of snippets of my life. Starting way before this blog. Even my earlier posts are mainly outfits & reviews but as of recent I've moved onto sharing my mini adventures with my readers. I want to continue to share my travels & my experiences like an online journal. It's nice to look back & see not only the good times I had but the passion I had at the time. I'm a pretty big hoarder of memories & this is just another way I can keep those moments to look back on. 
Shelley xx

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