Let's Talk Boobs (Post-Op) || Lifestyle

It's been done!! I kept my nerves together, went through the operation & now I'm nearly three weeks post-op. It's been a crazy ride but I wouldn't change a thing. I can't believe I've managed to organise myself enough to be able to afford cosmetic surgery or had the guts to do it. I even vlogged my recovery period, which was definitely a new experience for me. 

I previously posted my pre-op experience with Transform leading up to surgery (here) & as promised I continued my videos throughout my surgery process to keep you guys in the know. Turns out my post-op video was way too long to subject anyone to, so I now have two seperate vlogs available. My first vlog (here) follows my surgery day (well there was a surprise there!!) till the next day so it's all surgery talk. Don't worry it's not gross but I wouldn't watch while eating lunch. The second instalment (here) follows my recovery from day two up till my 1 week post-op appointment. There's a bunch of vlogs updating you on pain & sensations throughout the week as well as what happens at the post appointment. 
Also as promised here are so before & after photos. There's an obvious difference but right now my breast are still at the swollen stage so they will settle further & reduce in size. They are also pretty set in their shape right now so as the swelling reduces they will soften & drop so will hold a more natural look. I'm super happy with the results but it's a lot to get used to. I'm feeling all kinds of new sensations right now (no one warned me about implant movement feeling this freaky!!!) but it was definitely worth it. 

As you can see before I had barely any natural breast tissue so I'm amazed at what the surgeon achieved. I didn't really go for a large implant (325cc) so it really shows that a little can make a big difference. I'm also super glad at the size, as they do look natural on my frame & didn't come out too big (or small of course). I can't wait to see how they change at my next milestones, but for now I will stop rambling on & I'll check in with you guys at my 3 month recovery point. 

If you have any questions feel free to pop me a comment below or email/message me & I'll be happy to help as much as I can.

Consultation to pre-op: youtu.be/lwr1HuDCPI4
Surgery day to first night sleep: youtu.be/FnDyo00lxtE
Two days to one week post-op: youtu.be/7aWT3jEvG2A

Shelley xx

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